Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Japanese Pop Culture

If pop culture was chewing gum for the mind, the Japanese version would be Willy Wonka's "three-course meal" blueberry flavor; an eclectic mix of tastes and subject that covers just about anything imaginable.
Pop culture covers a range of subjects from the media to art and also celebrities. They are usually well know, generally accepted and widespread within a certain population.

This is purikura; it is very popular in Japan. It is an enclosed booth where friends can take silly photos with their friends. Patrons are usually middle school-aged girls and the occasional group after a round of late night karaoke.

Part of popular culture in Japan to take photos of anything and everything.
Photography "especially appeals to people handicapped by a ruthless work ethic - Germans, Japanese, and Americans. Using a camera appeases the anxiety...about not working when they are...supposed to be having fun. They have something to do that is an...imitation of work: taking pictures." - Plato's Cave by Susan Sontag

1 comment:

visual gonthros said...

Print club and photography are interesting areas to explore within Japanese pop culture. Your classmate did a nice post on print club:


I think your post would be more successful if you concentrated on one topic, one case study. I would like to read more specifics. The idea is that all students write on their own particular interesting topic/case study. Then by looking at all student posts we can find some common and broad themes.

Can you fix the formatting of your first photo?